Webinar: Exploring The "Real Rights" Of Children And Youth In Contact With Police.

Start and finish time of webinar
17:00- 18:00 hrs CET

The Real Rights project, involving 1,500 professionals, produced an accessible database aiding children in contact with police. Launched at the World Congress on Justice With Children 2021, piloting began in selected cities in Europe, Africa, the US, and Asia, now expanded to 90+ cities globally. Focusing on marginalised youth, the initiative champions children's rights when dealing with law enforcement. Key speakers of this webinar, like Prof. Dr. Ann Skelton, Susan Jang, Cédric Foussard, and Angela Vigil, discussed project outcomes and the policy paper "Policing of children and young people: a case for 'child-friendly police.'”

Read the policy paper here. 
Replay the webinar here.

Global Initiative on Justice With Children
Baker McKenzie
Language of webinar