Webinar: Systemic Child Participation in Justice

The webinar "Exploring Systemic Child Participation in Justice" was held on November 14, 2023, focused on redefining justice by involving children in decision-making processes. It aimed to highlight the importance of engaging children from various backgrounds to transform their roles in the justice system. 

The session, moderated by Angela Vigil- Baker McKenzie, featured speakers like Prof. Ursula Kilkelly, Prof. Jennifer Davidson, Alex Conte from Child Rights Connect, Cédric Foussard from Terre des hommes foundation, Abdul Manaff Kemokai - DCI Sierra Leone and young advocates from India and Nepal, all sharing insights into academic, practical, and real-world aspects of involving children in justice.

The discussion highlighted key examples of systemic child participation: Global Policy Advocacy, Toolkit Development and Field Impact.Overall, the webinar successfully deepened understanding around systemic child participation in justice.

The conclusion emphasised the need for continued efforts in integrating systemic child participation into the justice system.

Read the Policy Paper on Systemic Child Participation

Global Initiative on Justice With Children
Institute for Inspiring Children’s Futures