Thai Advisory Meeting for the 2025 World Congress on Justice With Children

The 2nd Thai advisory meeting for the 2025 World Congress on Justice With Children was organized by the Thai Ministry of Justice, Thailand Institute of Justice, Terre des hommes foundation, Institut International des Droits de l'Enfant (IDE), UNODC, and Baker McKenzie. It highlighted the Youth Experiential Learning Simulation (YExLS), featured presentations by Dr. Alexandra Martins and a video message from Dr. Maalla M’jid of UNODC. Discussions centred on strengthening child protection systems that are accessible to all children without discrimination, Enhancing preventive role of justice, Promoting and scaling up restorative justice approaches and ensuring more responsive and accountable justice to children. Notable speakers included representatives from UNODC, Baker & McKenzie, Youth Law Center, Terre des hommes, stichting Halt, and Youth Courts NL. The advisory meeting also included a full-day workshop on advocacy skills and problem-solving exercises for child justice professionals.

Start and end date
Baker McKenzie
Global Initiative on Justice With Children
Thai Institute of Jusitce
Thai Department of Juvenile Observation and Probation
Type of event
In-Person event
Online World Congress (2025)