Webinar: World Congress and the Child and Youth Advisory Group

Calling all children and young people aged 15-25 who are passionate about improving child justice systems!

The Global Initiative on Justice with Children in is launching a call for nominations for the Child and Youth Advisory Group for the 2025 World Congress on Justice with Children.

You can read more about this opportunity here.

The purpose of the webinar is to provide more details about this opportunity, and to answer any questions that interested candidates may have. The webinar is open to children, young people and adult professionals. To ensure that the highest standards of child safeguarding are applied, all participants will be requested to adhere to a code of conduct during the webinar, or else they risk being removed from the meeting. We will also appoint a safeguarding focal point.


Start and end date
Global Initiative on Justice With Children
Terre des hommes Lausanne
Type of event
Community empowerment