Preventing and responding to Violence Against Children in the Administration of Justice: Pathways to Child-centred systems



Violence against children within the justice system is a serious issue, encompassing physical violence, sexual abuse, emotional harm, and exposure to victimisation. The UN Global Study on Children deprived of liberty reveals that children may face abuse, trauma, and even torture in their interactions with law enforcement, detention centers, and court procedures. This disproportionately affects vulnerable and marginalised children, perpetuating a cycle of violence, and intersectional discriminations exacerbate the situation.

Challenges in the contemporary context include the use of technology in legal processes, raising concerns about privacy and fairness, as well as the impact of trauma on a child's developing brain.




Recent years have highlighted the need to make justice systems resilient to crises such as armed conflict, climate change, and health crises. Children are particularly vulnerable during crises, requiring proactive measures to safeguard their rights and protect their well-being.

Following the 2021 World Congress, the Global Initiative and partners are conducting extensive research that aims to understand current data collection and monitoring practices of violence against children in detention, identify areas for improvement based on international standards, develop a tailored data collection tool, engage relevant stakeholders, and prioritise the perspectives of children and young people with lived experiences.